Unic Air Named Børsen Gazelle 2020

Each year, Denmark’s growth companies in the business sector are celebrated when the year’s Gazelle companies are announced. This year, Unic Air has been named a Børsen Gazelle for the first time.

“It is, of course, with great pleasure that we receive a Gazelle award this year. We are incredibly proud of the results that the entire Unic Air team has achieved,” says Henrik Hejlemann Jensen, CEO of Unic Air. He is particularly pleased that the Gazelle award at Unic Air reflects healthy and sustainable growth.

To become a Gazelle company, a company’s revenue or gross profit must have grown by 100% or more over the last four consecutive financial years.

Unic Air’s overall business goal is to be the preferred supplier and partner of customized ventilation units.

“To have succeeded in our mission to such an extent that we achieve the title of Børsen Gazelle 2020 is a great honor,” says Henrik Hejlemann Jensen. He explains that the development of Unic Air occurs through controlled growth, always keeping the customer at the center.

According to Henrik Hejlemann Jensen, there are several reasons why Unic Air has been thriving in recent years. He particularly highlights three of them:

Unic Air is highly specialized in developing, producing, and selling customized ventilation units, focusing on innovative, unique, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient solutions, which the market has responded very well to. Among other things, Unic Air has been first to market with ventilation units for:

  • Fast Food Restaurants: Seamlessly recovers heat from greasy exhaust air. > Read more
  • Comfort Ventilation: Cools with pure CO₂. > Read more
  • Automation with Tridium N4 Platform


Unic Air comprises a strong team of specialists in ventilation solutions, which has been expanded in recent years with several experienced industry professionals. To the benefit of both customers, employees, and the business, this has:

  • Released resources to prioritize the development of new generations of sustainable ventilation units
  • Contributed to increased leadership capabilities
  • Resulted in improved production and project management systems

Furthermore, Unic Air continuously strives towards a more market-oriented approach

Unic Air is fortunate to have many loyal, steadfast customers. This has enabled business growth and attracted new customers. At the same time, loyal customers – such as COOP, Sunset, BURGER KING, and Fitness World – have acted as close partners in the development of new types of ventilation units.

“We owe a great deal of thanks to our loyal customers, partners, and employees – without them, we would not have been named Børsen Gazelle 2020. We will do our utmost to continue this positive trajectory,” concludes Henrik Hejlemann Jensen

Børsen’s Gazelle awards will be presented in one big show this year, streamed live on borsen.dk on December 10th. Read more about the Gazelle show here: Registration for Awards – Børsen Gazelle (borsen.dk)

Unic Air Named Børsen Gazelle 2020

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