Unic air

Optimized air handling units – Tailored to your needs

Demand-based solutions

Energy efficient air handling units that meet your needs and preferences


CoolHeat aims to provide year-round comfort with CO₂ ventilation, capable of both cooling and heating.

COOLHEAT is an environmentally friendly and innovative air handling unit equipped with a reversible CO₂ heat pump for optimal energy efficiency. What makes COOLHEAT groundbreaking is that a traditional heat pump solution with CO₂ as the refrigerant has not been possible—until now. Unic Air has developed an entirely new approach to making this a reality.

Energy Optimization

Our focus is on energy optimization for air handling units

CO₂ as Refrigerant

Integrated Cooling in air handling units

Double Recirculation

Built-in Automation

On-site Construction

Integrated mixing circuit at heating coil

Heat Exchangers for Every need

We ensure efficient heat recovery to optimize energy efficiency

Rotary Heat Exchanger

The rotary heat exchanger, consisting of a rotating wheel made of corrugated aluminum, creates small channels for airflow. It transfers heat and humidity from the exhaust air to the supply air, making it ideal for indoor climates in offices. The rotary heat exchanger maintains a high temperature efficiency and prevents ice formation by controlling the rotation speed.

Counterflow Heat Exchanger

The counterflow heat exchanger is a plate exchanger with aluminum plates that efficiently separates airflow by allowing them to cross each other. With a horizontal midsection, it provides higher heat recovery than the crossflow exchanger but is at risk of icing, requiring automatic defrosting.

Crossflow Heat Exchanger

The crossflow heat exchanger is a plate exchanger with aluminum plates that separates airflow by crossing them. It has a lower efficiency than the counterflow and rotary heat exchangers, but it drains condensate and is easy to clean.

Glass Tube Heat Exchanger

The glass tube heat exchanger in our GX units features small intersecting glass tubes that separate airflows and prevent odor transfer. Its unique feature includes a built-in automatic washing system that daily removes grease and dirt from the exchanger.

Run-Around Coil Heat Exchanger

The run-around coil heat exchanger has two liquid-coupled surfaces – one in the exhaust air stream extracts heat, while the other in the supply air stream receives the heat without any contact between the air streams to avoid contamination

Effektiv Unic Air rotorveksler, designet til at forbedre indeklimaet i kontorer og skoler ved at balancere fugt og temperatur.


Costumized automation solutions for air handling units


At Unic Air, our commitment to the green transition is more than an obligation

Environmental Responsibility

As a company, we believe that technology and climate-friendly solutions go hand in hand to create a better future. Therefore, we are dedicated to continuing to develop and deliver climate-friendly solutions that contribute to the green transition.

Social Responsibility

At Unic Air, we strive to commit to considering the environmental and social impacts of our activities while ensuring that our employees thrive and feel respected.


At Unic Air, we are committed to ensuring a positive development in our responsibility towards sustainability. Therefore, we have implemented concrete measures in our daily operations to ensure a more sustainable workplace and business.


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